Monday, August 30, 2010

Random Music Stuf

Oh hey.

So now that no one's in the office I got around to listening to the new Cee-Lo song, which I'm not going to embed because it's totally NSFPMA (not safe for pretty much anywhere (jeez, stay up on your interwebs acronyms, will ya?)). Not only is the song pure genius, the entire video is properly punctuated all the way through! A+, sir.

As as I was watching that, I also came across another Cee-Lo song that I can post here. Yes, I'm behind the times, what with you kids and your noise-box music changing every five minutes, but this song is also amazing and totally appropriate after last weekend.

The hook is the best part of the whole song, because the man stole my vocal cords to hit that note:
You'll always be home to me
I belong to you
And yes you belong to me
When they ask me where I'm from
I'm proud to say that I'm your son

You're not quite Eleanor, are you?

I had a blast at my friends Chris & Mel's wedding this past weekend. It was good to be home...or roughly 100-ish miles from home. There really should be a law against the display of Auburn and 'Bama logos anywhere in the Great State of Georgia. Or at least some sort of special tax on it. Instead of a SPLOST, we could call it the Special Levy on Alabama Teams - the SPLAT tax.

But I digress. Home. Wedding. Happy people. It was fun seeing old friends, making new ones, and giving Chris a chance to return the favor of making me feel like a slightly inadequate groomsman at the wedding. We both have wives that just plan too damn well, and based on the actual weddings, make us way too damn happy. Aww, I'm being all cutsie. Please. It's 8:45pm and I still have four hours left at work - I have to pass the time somehow, and you're going to suffer for it.

Anyway, I don't really want to talk about Chris & Mel. They're cool an all, but now they're married and off to wherever, and it's back to me. Besides, Chris hasn't even updated his blog since March. It's so old, I'm not even going to link to it - and he has his own domain and everything. Fancy boy.

I decided to be a moderate badass for the weekend and see if I could rent some sort of car that was a little more upscale than the Yugo disguised as a Chevy Aveo.

Unfortunately, I don't have the magical soil that makes the crabgrass in my yard suddenly turn into flowers that bloom $100 bills, so I couldn't get that Aston Martin I really wanted.

Good thing I already got a chance to drive someone else's V12 Vanquish at the ho-tel (holla!).
Hey! Quit looking at the damn car. Back to me.

I was pretty surprised when I found that I could rent a Ford Mustang for just under $40 a day. Sure, not the craziest vehicle known to man, but the new ones are okay looking and hey, what the hell, right? Besides, Hertz's description and photo made it seem like it'd at least be a step up from the disturbingly catchy hamster mover.

Still, I had my doubts. To me, renting a sports car that's listed as one of 78 within the "Fun Collection" would probably end up being a similar experience to riding on that back bar of a shopping cart while making your way through the parking lot. When you get on it seems like it'd be a lot of fun, but then you realize that the thing has zero creature comforts built-in and you can't go nearly as fast as you'd like. And to top it all off, you've now just given up the ability to fit that 64-pack of toilet paper in the trunk.

So, I was kind of surprised when I walked up to a shiny 2011 Mustang and opened the door to find this:

I mean, damn. Leather? Creepy voice command bluetooth lady in the stereo? Functional seating for 4? Oh wait, scratch that last part. The half-inch gap between the front of the rear seats and the back of my front seat, even accounting for my ridiculously short legs, tells me that you couldn't fit a half-price baby clown in the back seat of this thing, let alone an actual person. Sure, there's a seat belt back there, but you'd have to just arrange some clothes in the figure of a person and strap them in if you wanted to try to get in the HOV lane.

This is getting boring. I forgot how I was planning on getting to this, but by far my favorite part of this car is the fact that you can set the dashboard lights, halo lights, and ambience lights (why does Blogger think I misspelled ambience?) to whatever color you want. Not just a handful of preselected colors, either, you can actually get into the damn RGBs and change them to whatever the hell you want. I made an attempt at puke green and canned corn before just settling on a nice Russian-submarine-in-battle-conditions red.

The best part? If you try to change any of these settings while you're driving down the road, creepy voice command lady turns off your radio and yells at you for trying to fiddle with things while you're driving. Literally, everything turns off and she says something like, "For your safety, you cannot access this function while driving. Please stop the vehicle in a safe location in order to continue. Otherwise I'll effing cut you. Please shut the hell up and I'll give you the commands from now on."

I was going to leave y'all with a wonderful recording of my new friend Madam Sync, but alas, the interwebs have failed me tonight. So instead, I'll leave you with a classic documentary chronicling some guy's dilemma with local wildlife and leave you to pontificate on the intersections of and conflict between man and nature. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Let's get FOXY!!!!!!!!!!

At the risk of this blog becoming a wasteland of stupid emails that I get, I couldn't resist sharing another message we just got from the semi-literate folks at our old gym/pit sweat depository/sketchy place sending 587346.99% APR credit card offers out of its back office (no offense to legitimate hawkers of 587346.99% APR credit cards).

Further ado is probably appropriate here, but it's the end of the day and I'm only running at about 80%, so here goes:
Let's get FOXY!!!!!!!!!!

OK- so school is almost back in session, the days of summer are slowly coming to an end and your daily routine is slowly creeping back in!! Wow - time does fly!!

So let's mix it up a little and get FOXY!!!
Yes! Foxy!! Foxy Fitness will add a some excitement to your life!
Come to our seminar on September 16th at 7:00pm and find out how we define "foxy"!!
We will discuss things like false dieting, metabolism, strength training and will reveal some serious Myth Busters!!

Thermic Effect of Food (TEF)!!!! Do what now????

Yup - all that and much more!!

You want more free stuff? Ok, ok: Participate in the seminar and give us the contact information for three of your friends, that you think could use a little "foxy" in their lives and receive a free [GYM NAME] T-Shirt.

Give us a call or stop by the front desk to sign up for Seminar!

 The [GYM NAME] Team
Le sigh.

It's weird. I feel like they swooped in and replaced regular exclamation points with rogue, anti-exclamation points that look exactly like regular exclamation points but just make me want to vomit into my lap, and then I get depressed that these exclamation points are making me reject the lunch I just paid $6.17 for (and I didn't even get chips!).

Maybe the "Thermic Effect" of my food actually caused the vomiting. (TEF)!!!! Man, I actually need to go to this seminar. Lord knows what the long term effects of (TEF)!!!! could be! And hey, I could definitely use a little "foxy" in my life.

If you're still not convinced, here's the kicker. You can't afford to not go to the seminar, because it's not just any ordinary Foxy Fitness seminar. (Do what now????) Oh no, it's a Seminar.

That's right folks, a Seminar with a capital S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See y'all on the 16th!

the words about stuf team (TEF)!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Milestone (get it?)

Mobile blogging, huh? This seems like it's more trouble than it's worth, but we'll see how it turns out. I suppose it'll at least be a good thumb exercise.

Also, if you're ever wondering just how many apostrophes you use in a normal sentence, try typing on a phone keyboard that you have to hit twelve different buttons on to make punctuation show up. Or just count, and skip the newfangled phone/computer/brain implant thing.

Speaking of counting, the whole point of this post was to announce to the world that my truck just broke the magical 150,000 mile mark. Woohoo! Maybe I'll have a party.

If only the Dogosaur hadn't stolen my Party Pants...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

An observation

We have some animals living with us. Some of you probably know them.

Here's my dog:
She looks just like any other ordinary, happy dog, as evidenced here. She pretty much just wants to hang out, chew a bone when she feels like it, and maybe take a crap every now and then. Probably her worst trait is that her farts are considered weapons of mass destruction in some jurisdictions.

Then there's our other "pet." I'm pretty sure we need to call the Smithsonian, because it looks like we live with an effing dinosaur.
This thing is essentially pure evil. Sometimes I wake up, and it's standing there, in the dark, staring at me with its beady little eyes. I can just feel it plotting something sinister, like hiding my Party Pants until I agree to feed it no less than 2 pounds of room temperature USDA Choice steak every day.

Little does it know (Sidebar: Did you ever see that Stranger Than Fiction movie with Will Ferrell where he comes to some realization about the plot twist because the narrator says "little did he know"? No? Well you should. It's quite an excellent film.), I'm already in the market for a new pair of Party Pants.

Haha! Beat that, Dogosaurus Mud!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tailgate Party!! (Party Pants required)

So, I just got the following email from a local gym that my wife and I have had some issues with in the past. We are no longer members, but we still receive their emails. It reads:
Less than 1 Month before PARTY TIME!!!!

Thanks for checking out our recent Tailgate Party Invitation!! We hope you are as excited about the event as we are!!! Make sure you collect as many raffle tickets as possible before then!!
Its easy as 1, 2, 3...well, actually even easier than that!
Stop by or give us a call and we will help you to win one of the amazing Grand Prizes!!

So get those Party Pants cleaned up and get ready for a great Party at [GYM NAME] on September 13th!!

Hey - don't forget to check us out on Facebook too!!! Become a fan an receive $1,- off on a Smoothie!!

The [GYM NAME] Team
First of all, while I’m amazed they used the right “it’s,” I can't help but think that it only marginally makes up for the excessive capitalization, exclamation point diarrhea, and the fact that we can become Facebook fans “an receive $1,- off on a Smoothie!!”

And all I can think is: A Smoothie!!,- off $1...1,2,3 Party Pants!!!! OMFGLOLWTFROFLBBQ!@!%^$#%^&!

Unfortunately, I can’t go, as I have no Party Pants. Oh well. Can't win 'em all, I guess.

A real blog...

My wife just told me I should have a "real" blog instead of a joke blog. Apparently she already thinks this blog is a joke. Discuss.

I has a blog!

I'm not sure why, but I decided to start a blog. So, y'know, I can ramble on about random topics intermittently throughout whenever.

To get us started, I give you this epic introduction: